Saturday, September 8, 2012

Hey Obama how's your DOJ going to answer to this?

"In a scathing, 32-page opinion, Royce C. Lamberth, the chief judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, ruled in the detainees’ favor, characterizing the government’s arguments using terms like “untenable,” “quite preposterous,” “even less persuasive,” and “does not pass the smell test.”

The judge wrote: “The court, whose duty it is to secure an individual’s liberty from unauthorized and illegal executive confinement, cannot now tell a prisoner that he must beg leave of the executive’s grace before the court will involve itself. This very notion offends the separation-of-powers principles and our constitutional scheme.”

I mean how much more power and authority are you going to try to usurp from the legislative and the judicial branches of our government?

I'm afraid to even try to guess just how far you will allow the dignity of the Executive Branch descend to to maintain your grip on power. Just like a petty dictator.

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