Friday, September 14, 2012

Media only interested in covering up Obama's Failures

Not in the truth in their desire to get him re-elected.

"Look at the other White House correspondents in that room. Not a single one has any energy and certainly no desire to get to the bottom of the only question that should matter today: Were the murders of these four Americans preventable?  

Other than Tapper, no one wants the answer and they're not even willing to make news in pushing for an answer.

Might hurt Obama."

Really?  You ignorant leftist so-called "Reporters" willingly ignore the fact that the deaths of US personnel were entirely preventable.  It was the actions of their "Light Bringer" President which caused those totally preventable deaths.  But they cannot accept that, they cannot report the truth.  As they know if they do finally report the truth, several of them plus their own "Light Bringer" could be charged with crimes.

So they cover their own butts and pray that Obama wins re-election to cover and hide their own crimes.

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