Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Microsoft Internet Explorer Exploit

If you are browsing the Internet using Microsoft's Internet explorer, you are extremely vulnerable to a hack which will allow someone to take control of your computer and allow them access to all of your information.

"BOSTON (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp urged Windows users on Monday to install a free piece of security software to protect PCs from a newly discovered bug in the Internet Explorer browser.The security flaw, which researchers say could allow hackers to take remote control of an infected PC, affects Internet Explorer browsers used by hundreds of millions of consumers and workers. Microsoft said it will advise customers on its website to install the security software as an interim measure, buying it time to fix the bug and release a new, more secure version of Internet Explorer."

You need to go to Microsoft's Download page and download a program which will help protect your computer until Microsoft releases a new version of Internet Explorer.

The link to the page is :  http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29851

Please even if you use a different browser such as Firefox like I do, Internet explorer is used in your Automatic Update protocol and you are vulnerable.  Please click the above link, download the program and install it to help protect your computer and your personal information until Microsoft updates Internet Explorer.

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