Saturday, September 22, 2012

More on Asteroid Mining

"Somewhere in the Asteroid Belt, NASA's plucky spacecraft Dawn is on its way from Vesta, the second-largest object in the belt, to Ceres, the largest. Having finished with the spacecraft's time at Vesta, scientists are now parsing the mound of data they accumulated about the big rock and uncovering some surprises. One of them: It's got water." 

WOW!!  This mean we could be one step closer to colonizing space.   Water in space means several things, it means fuel, water can be hydrolyzed into hydrogen and oxygen.  Can you say Rocket Fuel?  Can you say Oxygen to breath?  And water to drink, and to water plants with?  Water in space means actual space stations/colonies since water won't have to be sent from earth, which doesn't have an abundance of it in the first place.  Water in space means that humans can climb free of the bonds of earth and prosper.  Humans in space means industry in space, which means new materials with unique properties possibly bringing about a new industrial revolution.

Water in space means all of these things.  If we just reach for the brass ring.

H/t Insty

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