Monday, September 17, 2012

New CAFE mileage standards are going to kill people

"A couple of weeks ago, the Administration announced a new CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) mileage standard for the year 2025, 54.5 MPG. Note that the "Average" in there explicitly says that every vehicle in the manufacturer's lines doesn't need to get 54.5 MPG, just that a manufacturer's fleet average needs to hit this magic number. Cars are treated differently than trucks, and one of the reasons for the explosion of SUVs is that they are counted as trucks, while station wagons were counted as cars. Not many station wagons being made these days. There is great legal wrangling and fighting over how to classify any given vehicle because not every vehicle has a prayer of hitting that kind of mileage"

The only way to get that type of mileage from a vehicle is to make the vehicle smaller and lighter. Made of thinner materials. In other words, your car will be made of tissue paper. Imagine what would happen to your family in one of those in your were in an accident? I can tell you now, if you're lucky you will all go to our maker quickly.

I have no objections to the idea of more economical "Greener" vehicles. I do have objections that we as Americans are being held to a much higher standard than the rest of the world. I want the rest of the world held to the same standard we are held to. If that is not going to happen, then why are my freedoms being restricted to obtain an almost unobtainable standard?

So I tell all these politicians and bureaucrats, hold the rest of the world to the same standards before you try to hold me to a higher standard. Until the rest of the world can meet the standards we already have, don't try forcing another higher more restrictive standard on me and mine.

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