Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Obama is putting the Middle East one step closer

to Armageddon because he is voting present.  Instead of doing his job.

We may soon be forced into another conflict in the middle east because The man who is supposed to be leading our country and helping to bring peace decided he'd rather play a round of Golf.

And as the conflict gets closer, further stupidity is egging on MORE conflict while Obama votes "Present".

"Egyptian demonstrators climbed the walls of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo today and pulled down the American flag to protest a film they say is insulting to the prophet Mohammad. 

 Update at 2:07 p.m. ET: CNN reports that U.S. security guards fired a volley of warning shots as the crowd gathered outside the embassy walls. 

CNN adds that the embassy had been expecting a demonstration and cleared all diplomatic personnel earlier from the facility."

What is it going to take to make Obama DO HIS JOB?!?!?  Is it going to take Islamic Radicalists and Extremists storming the embassies and consulates, killing American Citizens, before President Present gets off the back nine and deals with the results of his inaction?

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