Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Public Union Thuggery

A city councilman is given a sobriety test in his front yard, AFTER he has been home several minutes and hence NOT driving. He passes it, but it is the opening of an unusual can of thuggery.

"Costa Mesa Councilman Jim Righeimer had finished speaking at a community meeting last Wednesday, and then headed to a pub owned by fellow councilman Gary Monahan. Righeimer drank two sodas and drove home. After arriving home, a Costa Mesa cop showed up at his door and asked him to step outside and take a sobriety test, which he passed."

Really? He is already in his house and you ask him to step outside to take a FST for his "Driving", aren't you supposed to pull him over while "Driving" to give him a FST? But this is just typical of Public Sector Unions and their thuggery.

H/T Insty

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