Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Ancient Chinese Curse

"May you live in interesting times" has never held more terror for me than it does now.   I used to be terrified of the possibility of a Nuclear Exchange between the US and the Soviet Union.  After the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, I breathed a sigh of relief.  Now I find out that the possibility of Nuclear Exchange is getting closer and closer.  The culprits this time?  Pakistan and India.  I'm more concerned with the possibility of Pakistan launching one of their Nukes or losing control of one to a militant group.  Why?  Just look at how anarchic Pakistan is.  Look at the constant struggle in it's own government between hard liners and the moderates.  Look at the constant problems our own government has when trying to obtain cooperation from their government.

Now I direct you to the following post by Cdr. Salamander.

"I was chatting a bit earlier this week with one of my fellow members of the Eeyore Debating Collective, when I wandered down a dystopian path only those military professionals over the age of 45 really remember: thinking nuclear war.You can - and should - remember that we used to think in rather cold ways about nuclear war. Contrary to the Left and the intellectually lazy, nuclear war does not have to be a binary thing where you either have no nukes, or total global nuclear winter. No. That was never the story."

Read the whole thing and you can see why I am becoming very concerned.

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