Friday, September 7, 2012

The coming resurgence of HIV and AIDS

I'm not sure I agree with Kevin's thinking here.  But he does make a few very telling and cogent points.  I'll leave it to you to decide for yourself.

"When that married guy hit on my friend and gave him his business card I took the time to track down the guy’s wife in whatever city she lived in and I sent her the business card along with a note about where her husband was passing out his card and what he was up to. I even got a cellphone snap of the guy as he was hitting on my friend. Justin and I had a fight over this, actually, because he said it was none of my business. This is when Justin and I were first dating and he didn’t yet realize that when I get it in my head to do something, I can’t suddenly become uninvolved. I just kept thinking about a poor woman somewhere who’d get HIV from her husband and never know how that happened. Despite the gay “community’s” best efforts to keep this a secret, HIV is on the rise again because all the gay magazines and newspapers claim that “it’s not a big deal anymore” because there are drugs that can combat the symptoms. There’s a lie actively spread by gay “community leaders” that HIV will be cured soon, so everyone can party like the VIP room at Studio 54 is open again. Unprotected sex is being encouraged again and the most popular gay porn sites have mostly switched to “bareback” videos, which are condom-free. It’s all encouraging guys in the Millennial age cohort and younger to have risky, promiscuous sex that’s going to lead to a new explosion of HIV in about five years. Just watch. I see it happening and it’s like sitting in a boat on the bay with Pompeii in sight watching the first rumbles trigger ripples in the water. An explosion is coming, but no one in the bathhouse is paying any mind. Again."

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