Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Fail it BURNS!!!!

Evidently, Leftists, Liberals and Democrats were too busy eating the paste in school to pay attention to what the Bill Of Rights means.  Especially as it pertains to The First Amendment and the Second Amendment.

But let us discuss the violation of the First Amendment today.

"Top Obama Bundler Russell Simmons: It Should Be Illegal To Make Movies That Insult Muslims…"

IT BURNS!!!!! The Arrogance and Stupidity BURNS!!! I had to turn off the lights in my room to post this to keep from harming myself further.Can I get a Medic here please?

This is the same man who claimed that Gangsta Rap is protected speech back in the 80's.  Yes, so Rappers calling out to kill cops and judges is legal protected speech, but NOW......  Any criticism of Islam MUST be ILLEGAL!!!!!

I got news for you Mr. Simmons, the same Constitutional freedom that allowed all of your thug rapper buddies to say what they did, still protects the rights of the rest of us to criticize Islam.  We can insult it,  criticize it, ridicule it and anything else we want.  It is called "FREEDOM OF SPEECH for a reason.

Maybe you better go back to school and start eating paste again, and allow the grown ups in the room to actually have a real conversation.

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