Tuesday, September 18, 2012

This comment

and the condemnation in it strikes very true to me.  Please read the below then click over and read the whole post.

"i wont believe this country gets it until the day after the votes are all counted in. there are some very very messed up people in this country. and these people control the majority of the media outlets. I know alot of good thinking & meaning people who always get the reality of a given political situation wrong for the last 20 years all due to the media outlets bias. there is so much hate from the left against anyone who stands in there way. Obama is worse then the emperors of ancient Rome. He and the media go after anyone who disagrees with him and he, his staff and the corrupt media do so with impunity. They are a mob and you cant pick one segment because they are ALL doing something wrong ALL of the time. Obama & the left wing media are symbolic of old King George & the corrupt parliament of the 18th century. They see the masses & they see conservatives as sheep to be led to the slaughter of their altar of liberalism & socialism. To ignore the suppression of voting by the new black panthers in the 2008 election, to ignore the murders due to fast & furious, to ignore the muslim officer who massacred his fellow soldiers, to ignore the sept 11, 2012 fiasco & murders, to ignore over $4 a gallon gas, to ignore the crimes of napolitano, sebelius and holder, to ignore the selling out of israel & poland, to ignore the deal-making with medved, to ignore the increase in lost jobs, to ignore the crony capitalism with companies like solyndra & other companies who contributed to his campaigns, to ignore the oil & natural gas & other resources in the USA & CANADA and instead buy from communist south american govts & china & russia, to ignore the trampling on the freedoms of religion, speech and the right to bear arms that Obama does so often, to force people to go against their consciences, to ignore Obama’s fight against state rights, to ignore the sexism & bigotry practiced against women, men, and gays who are conservative, a sexism & bigotry by the Democrat party & their supporters such as Maher, and to ignore the crimes of the Occupiers, to ignore that Obama & the democrat party are constantly active in supporting abortion on demand no matter what the reason and no matter what term of the pregnancy, is as criminal, unjust, tyrannical as anything the british government did to the colonies in the 18th century & aligns the left wing media & Obama & his staff as well as the democrat party with the radical governments & the mobs of 1789-92 and 1917. It seems as if the reality is red, they say its blue, if its black & white they say its gray. May the Good Lord make them see the error of their hatred and isms and their ways and may he do so before He decides to strike them down with their own folly as He has done with governments throughout history. Those who fail to remember history are doomed to repeat it.
  1. Comment by dark rabbitt — September 18, 2012 @ 12:50 am - September 18, 2012"

The link to the original post is:"Why I am SO Voting for Romney"

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