Friday, September 21, 2012

This is why the system is broken

When anyone can rip off the system that is paid for by TAXPAYERS, like the Example Old NFO heard from:

"Said she was working part time under another name at a private school and part time for her boyfriend's company, had a section 8 apartment (apparently owned by her sister), that was where her mail was delivered, and was also collecting welfare and WIC, splitting the section 8 rent with her sister, and living with her boyfriend in a "BIG" house in PG county. She said she was sending out a resume or two a month, "Just to keep the unemployment people happy." And collecting 'about' $4000/month between everything..."

The kicker is the last part:

"I happened to be behind her walking out of the airport, and her boyfriend picked her up in a late model BMW 7 series..."

Click the above to go RTWT

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