Sunday, September 30, 2012

Want to take your own money out of the bank? You may have a problem

"Well,we generally need a REASON to release this much cash."  As if it isany of their freakin' business what customers do with THEIR OWN MONEY.  Hewent into the safety spill again, while my brother was thinking - "What ifI drove up in the parking lot with a million bucks?  You would neverknow.  That argument is pathetic."  And then another pushfor another cashier's check.  Then he stated he would have to check to seeif the bank would "be in balance."  That only tells us that theyhad to reconcile digitized cash vs. physical cash, and that more than likelythey didn't even have 50k in cash on hand.  In other words, they had toaccount for the physical cash that was going back out into the market,undigitized."

So you need to have a REASON to withdraw your OWN money from the bank? That right there is reason enough for me.  It is no business of the bank what I do with my funds.  They are "MY" funds.  Not theirs.

1 comment:

  1. They almost surely didn't have that much cash on hand, and even if they did, that would come close to cleaning the branch out. The bank normally wants several days notice if you are going to withdraw even five thousand in cash, but if you let them know beforehand, you can get your money. Also, any withdrawal of over 10k will by law be reported to the government. Once you use the bank, there are conditions, don't you know!


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