Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What Independent Voters really want

I am an Independent voter.  I am Fiscally Conservative and Socially Moderate.  I identify with Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians and Green Party members depending on the subject matter.

Here are a few points that I take a very focused view on.

Government Spending.  Why is the government spending billion and billions of dollars on "Stimulating" the economy.  Since the Government can't even turn a profit selling sex, what makes them thing they can pick and choose which companies can actually help the business/economic structure of this country?

Over burdensome regulations and requirements, many without actual basis in actual need.  (Note I said "need")  Government bureaucracy adding more and more regulations beyond the authority actually given to them to increase their own power .  Sorry but we need less government, less regulations, less hurdles for entrepreneurs and business to try to jump over in order to create the wealth of this country, what makes them think I want them in charge of my health care?  Or what kind of vehicle I drive, or food I eat?

Entitlements reform.  Why are illegal immigrants, people who have already violated the laws of this country getting public assistance?  Many of those immigrants come to this country take free handouts and free cash and do not contribute anything to the betterment of this country.  Look at the immigration laws of the countries these individuals come from, if we can't go to their country and get the same benefits, why can they come to ours?  And why are more and more people people being encouraged to give up looking for work and just let the government give them a check and a benefits card?I worked in law enforcement for 10 years, and I was sick of seeing women who had 7 or 10 children by different fathers and were encouraging their own teen and preteen daughter to get pregnant, as it would mean more money and more food stamps from the government.  And yet some of these women were driving Cadillac SUV's, while living in section 8 housing, wearing several thousand dollars in gold, carrying purses that cost more than I made in a week of working over 50 hours.  Yes there were and are some people who truly genuinely need help.  But not as many as there are.  There does need to be a means test of some type to get the parasites off the public dole, so the people who do truly need help can get it in a timely effective fashion.

Energy Production, this country is sitting on some of the largest energy reserves in the entire world.  Why aren't we allowed to harvest it?  Because of over litigious environmental groups who have their own agenda, and it is not in line with our country being prosperous. Do some research on your own and you will find, if you actually bother to dig deep enough, that many environmental groups want to reduce the world's population so humans don't interfere with Mother Nature/Mother Gaia.  If you don't believe me, do your own research.  As I know nothing I post here will make you change your mind.  This country has the energy to start the next industrial revolution possibly leading us to colonize other planets and space itself.  And yet we cannot.  We are hindered by special interest groups and their interference in government agencies such as the EPA and in the elections of select politicians.

Social issues.  Why is the government involved in marriage in any way shape or form?  It is no business to the government if I marry a man, woman, transgender, intersex or any other permutation.  The only person my marrying would be of concern to is the person I marry.  The only higher authority would be God, Allah or Yahweh.  The Government needs to get out of marriage.  To protect both members or multiple members of a marriage there should be a contract, identifying what assets and rights each member has.  The contract would be registered with the government merely for tax purposes.  And yes I did just advocate both a monogamous and a polyamorous marriage.  As long as there is a contract agreeable to all parties to protect their interests, what business is it of the government what a family does behind the doors of their own house?

Privacy rights.  What does it concern the government what I do in my car, in my home or in my head?  As long as I am not violating any laws, they have no right to surveil me or mine.  No right to listen to my phone calls, monitor my internet traffic or fly drones over my house.

Abortion and Birth Control.  I do not like abortion.  However unless the child is mine I have NO right to tell a female she CANNOT have an abortion.  At the same time I CAN insist my tax dollars are NOT used to supply that abortion.  I will pay for counseling and adoption, but I should not be forced to help pay for an abortion that is against every belief I have.  If she wants to have an abortion, her decision is between her, the father of the child and God, Allah or Yahweh.  I am nowhere in it. NO WHERE.  Birth Control, I feel that it should be made available, however you cannot trample upon the beliefs of anyone to force them to provide it.  There are literally thousands of places where birth control can be obtained for less than $15.00 a month.   And anyone who says different is trying to sell you something.  So why is the government trying to force people who have a valid and very strong religious belief about birth control and abortion to pay for it?  This is just my opinion but certain groups have an axe to grind and want to rub certain other groups noses in something.  Once again, do your own research and I'm sure you will find the correlation.

Gun Control.  Seriously can't you people read the actual statistics?  You know the FBI Uniform Crime Statistics.  Which tell you that cities, towns and states that have the most restrictive gun laws also have the most violent crime.  Don't believe me?  Look it up for yourself, here is the search term you need to put into google.  "FBI Uniform Crime Statistics"  Look for yourself and see where violent crime is the greatest and where violent crime is the lowest.  And quit trying to blow smoke and mirrors up my nether regions.  I am an intelligent human being and I know how to read the FBI's own report for myself.  What many of you seem to forget is that the Second Amendment isn't there for hunting.  It is to ensure that the systems of check and balances works.  If the government gets too big for it's britches through the actions of certain special interest groups and bureaucracy and tries to take on more authority than it is Constitutionally allowed it is the right and the DUTY of the citizens to knock the government back down.  If you actually had a proper education in school and not the dumbed down special interest leftist version of an education you would know that.  So don't complain to me or say that I am wrong or I am some Neo-Con.

Education.  Why are there teachers in our country making in salary more than police chiefs?  Or some doctors?  And why is it that when I look in my children's history/social studies books I see skewed facts?  And very little actual , well history?  I see more and more consideration given to Caesar Chavez, Malcolm X, and Louis Farrakhan and little to none given to George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln?  Why are more and more kids unable to read and comprehend books by Henry David Thoreau, Mark Twain, Socrates, Plato, Charles Dickens, Edgar Allan Poe and many others?  Why is cursive no longer taught in school?  And why has penmanship deteriorated so badly I can barely read a teachers handwritten note from my kids school?  And yet I can read my or my mothers writing and even letters written by my grandmother in cursive over 80 years ago.

Unions.  Yes at one time Unions WERE a vital resource necessary for the American Industrial Revolution.  However, now they are over bloated special interest groups, whose only concerns are to obtain more and more power and money at the expense of everyone else, and bound up in the leadership of said union.  Did you understand what I just said?  I said that Union leadership is only about personal power and money for the union leadership ONLY.  The only thing Richard Trumka cares about is Richard Trumka and how much money he has and controls, so he can buy politicians and votes.  Look at his unions own tax records.  See how much his union spends on campaign contributions and contributions to Political Action Committees and Lobbying firms.  And Public sector Unions are the height of hypocrisy.  They unions want more money for pensions, more money for health care more money for this more money for that.  Where are the governments going to get that money?  And why are these union members getting more than the people they work for?  You know.  Us, the citizens.

So here is what Independent Voters want.

Less Government

Less Government Interference

Less Government Taxation

More Government doing the jobs they are already PAID to do.

Quit trying to grow and instead do the jobs you are paid to do without interfering with our lives.  And do them without wasting our tax dollars then asking us for more money.

And if you cannot do that, then don't be mad when we vote you out of office for someone we think WILL do that.


  1. For the most part, I agree.

    A considerstion of "marriage license" though...

    In the US. a government "marriage license" is pretty much what you advocate, except it only recognises that a partnership contract has been agreed without (pre-dissolution of the contract) listing/allocating assets: its main purpose is that in the absence of other recognised paperwork (a will, a pre-nup, whatever) the State will distribute assets of a deceased member of the agreement according to set formulae.

    It has accreted other purposes, such as tax implications, but they are not the major purpose. The rest is mainly in the realm of religion. Even when the government struck down lower government bans on "inter-racial" marriage, it did not force the churches which did not want to perform such to alter their beliefs and practices. There have been exceptions, the best known being the armed intrusion on the LDS practice of polygamy: also certain sacrificial practices, and drug use. The idea that allowing something like "same sex" marriage will lead to government forcing the main religions to perform such marriages is a demagogic smokescreen, and politicians should be ashamed for whipping up a frenzy about it.

    Mind, a "religious" marriage may not be recognised by the government. As an extreme, in my State one could fly the Pope over to perform the marriage ceremony - but he could not legally sign the State "marriage license" as he is neither a resident nor himself [therefore] eligible to be licensed to sign the document!

  2. As far as I am concerned no religious institution should be forced to do anything which violate it's beliefs.

    At the same time in my personal beliefs people who get married don't need a priest, minister, rabbi or imam to officiate over their "marriage", only the belief in their own hearts and oaths they make to one another which their own chosen deity will recognize. Be it God, Allah, Yahweh, Odin or even Shaitan. They marry themselves, the preacher doesn't, all he does is give a blessing.

    As for sacrificial practices, I don't agree with them but there are still religions and sects that do practice it. As long as they are not engaging in human sacrifice and I don't don't have to be imposed upon by their practices, what business is it of mine? Or the government? Or anyone else? It is their life, their beliefs and I have no say in the matter. I just ask they do it in private so my family doesn't have to see it.

    As for recognition, a "Marriage Contract" or "Family Merger", "Civil Union" or whatever can be filed for the legal recognition of said union or unions. With all rights and responsibilities written out and acknowledged by all parties to the "Contract"

    It really is that simple, the government only recognizes the union, it has no authority to deny or restrict any union that people wish to make as long as the "Contract" is fully agreed upon by all parties.

  3. Holy crap bro.... We are more alike than I ever thought.

  4. Tim,

    I've always been this way. Having our parents, how could I NOT be this way? If you would just do the actual research you would find out things are not black and white, but muddied shades grey on grey with a few places of startling clarity.

    I have always tried to say to you, do your own research, don't listen to the spin doctors or the rhetoric. Find out for yourself if what you are being told is true.

    That is the largest problem with our country right now. People are dumb and expect to be fed the answers to the test. Well the test is life and you can't cheat and expect to get ahead.

  5. Excellent. One thing that has always given me pause about the abortion debate is this:

    At what point does a fetus become a human being, and thus has all of the rights that any other person has, including the right to not be murdered? The anti-abortion forces would have you believe that it begins at conception, but I am not sure I believe that.
    The pro-choice folks say that it begins at birth, but I'm not sure that is right, either.
    I would think that as a fetus reaches the 24 week gestation point, and is viable outside of the womb, that fetus becomes a person, with all of his or her rights intact.

  6. That is one of the issues I have with the abortion debate. I don't know when a fetus becomes viable, just as I don't know when it gets it's soul from God. I don't know and neither does anyone else. However I still am not a part of the decision for or against. The woman deciding to have an abortion will have to make her peace with God. However I should not be compelled to have to pay for the death of a human being and have that on my conscious and the stain on my soul when I go to meet my maker. That is what many of the pro abortion supporters do not understand. If someone wants to have an abortion fine. They need to pay for it themselves, not have the rest of us pay the bill and have the stain on our souls from their actions when we meet our maker.


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