Saturday, September 1, 2012

Wolves - For Kenny aka Wirecutter

"CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — Visitors to Yellowstone National Park on almost any given day can glimpse packs of wolves and hear their iconic howls, thanks to a yearslong effort to revive the species that once neared extinction in the United States.

It's an effort the federal government has determined to be so successful that wolves no longer need special protections to ensure their survival in Wyoming — the state officials chose in the mid-1990s for reintroducing the predator to the Northern Rocky Mountains."

Kenny posted pictures of rather LARGE wolves that had been legally killed by hunters and the Petaphiles went absolutely NUTS. Slamming him in the comment section threatening him with bodily harm and death, and he has never even shot a wolf. All he did was post pictures of legally taken wolves and they went nuts. Well Petaphiles how about the above story? The wolf population has gotten so large they are now to be shot on sight. Let me repeat that. WOLVES ARE TO BE SHOT ON SIGHT This is the Feds and the State government saying that. They wouldn't say that unless there was a problem. And there is. and the cure for the problem? Cull the pack. So unless you Petaphiles want to go to the expense to trap and relocate large numbers of wolves to places where they will not harm the local ecosystem by over hunting.

But to read about the hateful supposedly peaceful Petaphiles I direct you to THIS post and THIS post, read the comments. Hunting is necessary for wildlife control. As we humans take more and more of animals natural habitat, they have no choice but to move into cities and towns. So if you want to save the wolves, how about you idiot Petaphiles quit moving out into THEIR homes and forcing them out. Until then quit harassing hunters who are trying to keep the predators from eating your little FiFi accessory animal.

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