Friday, October 19, 2012

A Brain Drizzle of mine tell me what you think...

I have an idea for a poll of likely voters with almost immediate feedback.  Not something that will take days or weeks to get results from.

Take a bunch of poker chips,

Red=Republican Party

Blue=Democrat Party

Yellow=Libertarian Party (No it is not a slam it is the color used to represent Libertarians on polling data that I could access)

Green=Green Party


White/Red=Independent leaning Republican

White/Blue=Independent leaning Democrat

White/Yellow=Independent leaning Libertarian

White/Green=Independent leaning Green

Have an enclosed voting booth with 5 labled ballot boxes:

Box#1 Romney/Ryan

Box#2 Obama/Biden

Box#3 Johnson/Gray

Box#4 Stein/Honkala

Box#5 Other

Ask the person being polled if they voted in the last election, if they reply in the affirmative ask them if they plan to vote in the current election.  If they reply in the affirmative ask them to choose the chip which best reflects thier political belief.

After they choose the chip direct them to the booth to place their vote in the appropriate ballot box.

I would like to get at least 100 people to take part, the ideal would be around 250.

But each person would take the colored chip which identifies their political beliefs closest and vote for the candidates they believe is best.

One chip one vote, since no one but them knows who they are voting for they should be able to vote their conscious, instead of a political party line.

If I can get it together, I would actually like to try to do this next week in downtown Corpus Christi and video the whole thing from start to finish including the tallying of the "votes" and post it to You tube and embed it here.

I think this might be an interesting "Poll" if you will.

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