Monday, October 15, 2012

Benghazi and Obama's Gatekeeper

The Obama Administration KNEW that the Benghazi attack was Al Qaeda related within 24 hours.  And yet Obama went to Las Vegas and called the attack a response to a Youtube video that almost no one had even seen.  For over a week, the Obama Administration trotted out it's version of events, on national TV, the UN and the newspapers.  All blaming an obscure internet video.  Even going so far as to having the maker of the video picked up by the police in the middle of the night.  The maker of the video is or I should now say WAS on probation.  His probation has been revoked.  Yes he did violate the terms of his probation, however many other violators get a slap on the wrist and their probation extended for committing VIOLENT crimes.  And yet this man who created a video which the Obama Administration have latched on to as a reason for their attack and the death of four Americans, including the Ambassador.  HE get his probation revoked and is back in prison.  And yet violent felons who have committed robbery and assault, they just get a slap on the wrist.

Who decided that this video needed to be claimed as the reason for the attack?

Here is my question.

Who repeatedly blocked or raised objections to going after Osama Bin Laden?

Who constantly blocks everyone's access to Obama?

Who goes everywhere with Obama?

Who insists that everything that reaches Obama must go through them first?

Have you figured it out yet?

Valerie Jarrett.

Who was born in Shiraz Iran.  Who was at least peripherally involved in Tony Rezko's rea estate scandals.  The same Tony Rezko who helped the Obama's purchase their home in Chicago.  Who was also deeply involved in obtaining the Government loan guarantees for Solyndra, and other Green Energy companies.

This is the woman who forced Bill Daley out of the White House as Obama's Chief of Staff. 

This woman has de facto in not de jure control of Obama and the Presidency of the United States.

The only way Obama can get out of the approaching scandal is to blame first the video, and now the State Department and Hillary Clinton.

When the truth is the blame for this scandal can be laid at the feet of Valerie Jarrett.  She controls who does and does not see Obama.  She controls what information gets put in front of him.  She control HIM.  She controls Obama.

Obama is in way over his head and the only thing keeping him afloat so far has been Valerie Jarrett, the Clintons, George Soros and the Media.

Well Benghazi is causing Jarrett through Obama to burn every bridge in sight.  Throwing Hillary under the bus, and the media is starting to notice. 

Obama's fund raising has taken a large hit.  George Soros isn't funneling as much money through his overseas intermediaries.

And the Media is slowly coming to the realization that #1, they've been played, and #2 the Emperor hasn't had clothes for a long time.

The security requests Ambassador Stevens sent?  To get approved they had to go to Obama, which means they had to go through Jarrett's hands first.

This nonsense about the FBI and our Military Security teams needing Visa's to enter Libya?  Wrong.  We have a treaty with Libya, diplomatic personnel and Security personnel don't need visa's.

This whole thing can be laid at the feet of Valarie Jarrett.  Her interference and behind the scenes plays are what caused the death of 4 Americans in Benghazi and the continuing deaths elsewhere.

Valarie Jarrett is the Gatekeeper and the Puppet Master

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