Monday, October 29, 2012

Communism Feminism and the Manosphere

"The feminists/communists are pissed because these naive men were supposed to keep on working to pay the taxes to support their socialist utopia (though I doubt most feminists think that much about budgetary economics and fiscal policy).

Religious types are angry because these men aren't "manning up" and creating more Christians/Muslims/Jews/Etc.

Women are angry because "why can't I find a maaaaaan?"  And "where have all the good men gone!?  Why, I have my triple masters in social work and I'm an independent strong woman!  You know, that's what it is!  Men are sexist pigs who are just intimidated by a strong, independent woman like me!  You probably want one of those hot, long legged, big boobed women!  Well, you know what, you're shallow!  If you don't like me and my muffin top, then you're not good enough for me!"

Click the Above to RTWT

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