Thursday, October 25, 2012

Eldest sprog and I voted today

It was her first time to vote in a real not school election.  I picked her up from work as her van is in the shop and together we went and and went to the voting station to cast our ballots.

While waiting our turn to get access to either the voting machine or a cubby with a paper ballot an older gentleman cut it front of me and demanded the attention of one of the poll workers.  I stepped back and let the lady speak to the gentleman first.  From the look she gave him for his rudeness, if he was one of her children he would have gotten a thimble to the crown of the head.  Anywayz (Yes I know it's spelled with an "s"), the gentleman demanded that he be allowed to accompany his wife, who had NEVER EVER voted before to "Help" her cast her ballot.

The lady/poll worker gave him the imperious grandmother look, you know where your grandma would tip her head back and look down her nose at you before pronouncing sentence on you for all of your sins, and informed him that under "Federal Law" that is NOT allowed.  If she needs assistance a Poll Worker would be happy to assist her cast her ballot.  However since "He" is not a sworn Poll Worker he cannot "Assist" her to cast her ballot.

The gentleman was somewhat huffy, but he harrumphed and walked back outside.  Then my daughter and I were allowed to go in and place out ballots. I reminded my daughter again to verify all of her votes before pressing the cast ballot button.  The Poll worker lady just smiled at me and gave me a little nod as my daughter told her this was her first real election to vote in.

I sat down at the machine, carefully read the instruction, they haven't changed since the last election, and proceeded to enter my choices.  After I entered my choices, like I had told my daughter I verified that all of my choices were the ones I had marked, then I hit the "Cast Ballot" button.  It took about 4 seconds, then the screen changed to the note that my ballot had been recorded.

I got up and and informed the Poll Worker I was done and she directed me out of the room.  As I walked out, I heard the gentleman who had interrupted earlier speaking to a woman, telling her that she had BETTER vote for Obama.  I glanced back before I walked out and this gentleman's "wife" was a hispanic woman, maybe about 42 to 45 years old.  The gentleman was easily pushing 60.

You tell me what was going on.

But as I was walking out I did see 3 of the lady poll workers exchanging what looked like to me a "meaningful" look.

So I wonder if the lady actually followed his instructions or even if she was allowed to vote.  I did see a stack of Provisional Ballots on the table next to the standard ballots.  So I'll never know.

But I did vote today.

If you are registered to vote, GO AND VOTE!  It is your civic duty as part of the Representative Democracy and Republic we call the United States of America.  Go out and VOTE!

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