Friday, October 26, 2012

Fake hate crime in Louisiana is fake it's

a hate crime against whites.  And the perpetrator will never be charged for it.

"As the story festered, hundreds of blacks took to social media accounts such as Facebook and Twitter and added completely unsupported rumors that Moffitt was wearing an Obama tee shirt, asserting that the attack was not just racial, but political in nature. Others went even further, claiming that Moffitt was even raped as a result of wearing an Obama tee shirt before she was set on fire.

But it wasn’t true.

Sharmeka Moffitt was not raped.

Sharmeka Moffitt was not wearing an Obama tee shirt.

Sharmeka Moffitt was not approached by anyone, her car was not vandalized by anyone else.

Sharmeka Moffitt wrote the slurs on her car in toothpaste, then she set herself on fire:"

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