Thursday, October 11, 2012

Kevin at Hillbuzz explains why you should never vote Democrat

"Voter fraud in this country is rampant…and Democrats like it that way.

One of the most frequently used tools Democrats use to keep voter fraud alive is accusing anyone who is against voter fraud of being “racist”. You can read a lot about this stuff in Ann Coulter’s new book, Mugged, in which Coulter looks all the way back to the 1970s and finds repeat instances of the Left using black people as props or even weapons to get things Democrats want that have nothing to do with black people. This is the “mugging” she’s talking about in the book.

There’s an article up on today about Democrats screaming “RACIST!” in an effort to stop poll-watching and other voter fraud prevention efforts in this election."

Click the above link and read it for yourself.

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