Monday, October 15, 2012

More on Jarrett

"When it finally started to sink in just how badly Obama did and how Romney was really starting to look like he could win this thing.  Jarrett went ballistic upstairs.  Inside her office in West Wing 2.  Remember how I told you how there is her office upstairs and then Obama’s study just down the hall?  How Obama spends most of his time in the study and hardly any time downstairs in the Oval? 

Anyways, Jarrett was blaming everyone around her for Obama’s performance on the debate."

Read my post HERE about Obama's Gatekeeper/Puppet Master

THEN you    need to read what is next....

"The Associated Press is now reporting that the Obama administration has given the order to prepare for strikes against terrorist forces in Libya.  The timing of this announcement is very suspicious given the potential political implications.  A true Wag the Dog moment – and perhaps something even more sinister as to what the true intended use of now dead Ambassador Chris Stevens was to be for the Obama White House.  Dead lips tell no truths…"

Are you ready for ANOTHER war?  Obama is going to strike against "terrorist forces" who just happen to be the current government of Libya.  And Iran will step in, GUARANTEED!!

Obama as directed by Jarrett will start another war in the Middle East.  With all the militant and radical Islamists world wide, get ready for what would be, using a euphemism, Unrestricted Submarine Warfare.  Do you understand that?

Terrorist won't be planning big giant operations, they will simply strike targets of opportunity, using every weapon in their arsenal.  Homicide/Suicide Bombers made up of men women and even children world wide.  You name it the terrorists will do it.  All because of the stupidity and pride of Jarrett and Obama.

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