Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Obama supporters threatening riots - Martial Law Declared?

WASHINGTON D.C. - In advance of threatened riots by President Barrack Obama's supporters, the Obama Administration has declared Martial Law in advance of elections to "Head off civil unrest", Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney, Vice-Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan and dozens of Republican members of Congress taken into "Protective Custody".  President Obama then asked the Senate to suspend the Election until "Order" is restored.

Does that sound far-fetched?  Do you think that sounds ridiculous?  Look at what the Obama Administration have already done in their pursuit for the re-election of President Obama.  The campaign funding irregularities, Libya, Sudan, Yemen, Afghanistan, President Obama's poor performance at the debate with the media's attendant spin.  The continuing threats by Obama supporters against Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and others.  Do you really think they WOULDN'T do anything to remain in power?

Here is your pretext for the declaration of Martial Law:

"New civility: Obama supporters threaten to riot if Romney wins"

Go look for yourself, then ask yourself if you think Obama and his supporters wouldn't risk everything to maintain power.

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