Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Over Reaction once the cat is out of the bag

With the advent of new printing technologies, the government and several of it's agencies are struggling to play catch up.

"Report: 3D-printed handgun project faces setback with revoked printer lease

Wired reports 3D printer manufacturer Stratasys has nullified a lease agreement with Defense Distributed.

When I last spoke with Cody Wilson, Defense Distributed had just met its $20,000 funding goal, and he had taken delivery of his Stratasys uPrint SE 3D printer. Fast forward nine days and the outlook for his 3D printed firearm project looks less positive."

Once again the government in this case the BATFEIEIO is trying to change the rules in mid game.  Making something LEGAL, ILLEGAL.  In order to prohibit a legal exercise of our rights and freedoms.  How many more times are we going to put up with the ham handed, questionable  actions of the an out of control federal agency, whose utility and need is under question itself?

H/t Divemedic

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