Thursday, October 18, 2012

Small Ball Campaigning

explained by Bob Owens.

"Small ball is a strategy used by baseball managers in an attempt to generate offense when they don’t have any heavy hitters in their lineup (notice how the analogy is coming together nicely already). Instead of relying on players that can knock the ball out of the park and hoping to generate a lot of runs, small ball managers encourage players to get on base by any means necessary, including taking a walk, a balk, or getting hit by a pitch. Once the team gets a player on based, they advance him any way they can, including hit-and-run, bunting, or stealing. The objective is to methodically move men around the bases, hope that over the course of a game, you can get one or two of them home. It will never produce a lot of runs, but it can generate enough if the other team can’t put runs on the board."

Click the above to RTWT

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