Tuesday, October 9, 2012

State Department told Benghazi Consulate "Don't ask for more security"

"WOOD: We knew that was coming through the cables and the draft cables that were going back and forth. The requests were being modified to say ‘don’t even request for D.O.D. support’.

ATTKISSON: So State Dept. was telling the folks on the ground in Libya ‘don’t continue to ask for this help’?

WOOD: Correct."

The career bureaucrats in the State Department and everywhere else in the US Government NEED TO GO.  They need to be relieved of their posts and taken out of the any position where they might influence ANY US Government foriegn or domestic policy.

There are several Science Fiction Authors who have written about a future where the elected officials are nothing but a rubber stamp for the unelected unaccountable bureaucrats.


Before they destroy the remains of this nation in their own quest for authority and influence.

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