Sunday, October 28, 2012

Tannerite Exploding targets question

For years now I see everyone doing videos with BIG explosions and lots of booms.  MY question is this.  I don't want big booms, but I do want positive feedback.  The big booms, even though the local sheriff's office is nice and understanding, will get me in trouble with the neighbors. 

So my question is this.

What is the smallest amount of tannerite/exploding target powder/binary explosives that will properly detonate from being hit by a high velocity .22 LR?

Small pill bottle size?  Medium pill bottle size?  How many ounces are necessary to be reliably detonated by a .22?

I have dozens of empty pill bottles and they make very challenging targets that my kids love to shoot at.  I would like to increase our distance but make it enjoyable for the kids.  If they get a bang they know they hit the target.  And since they want the bang they will pay more attention to their fundamentals to get on target.

Any answers?  Suggestions?

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