Friday, October 19, 2012

Terrorists have container capable of hiding Enriched Uranium

from detectors.  Now I have said in the past, the terrorists don't need to build an atomic bomb, all they need to do is to build several "Dirty" bombs.  And depending on the top of material they use, they don't really need that much of it to affect large cities.  A few hundred pounds of material sitting on top of an ANFO device in a truck delivered bomb as was used in the first World Trade Center Bombing, or the Murrah Building Bombing in Oklahoma City, if placed properly, could irradiate dozens of square miles of a city and cause hundreds if not thousands of deaths.  Not immediate deaths, but prolonged painful deaths from radiation poisoning.  Of men, women and children.

And now the terrorists have the specialized containers which block the emissions from radioactive materials.  Which means the detectors that the DHS have installed all over the US are now useless to detect this terrorist weapon.

"Terrorist groups have acquired a "container" to smuggle uranium undetected past the global network of sensors to prevent a dirty bomb, the head of the UN's nuclear watchdog has warned.

 Speaking in London, Yukiya Amano of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said groups' efforts to build a dirty bomb were becoming "more professional". 

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