Friday, November 9, 2012

A demonstration of the KTD Project in the field UPDATED

The video below is a demonstration of the utility of the KTP Project.  I had picked up my daughters and we went to McDonalds.  So out in the parking lot of McDonalds I used my KTD thumbdrive to boot up my HP Mini netbook.  Then I used another of my drives  with my generic chinese 7" android tablet.  I was able to access the CD3WD files on both systems.  It was actually faster to access the files under knoppix than it was to acces them under android or Windows 7.

I apologize for the audio we were literally about 60 feet from the gulf of mexico and it was rather windy.  But in the video you can see just how small my personal drive is.  It is smaller than the pill bottle on my keychain.  And it carries a full reference library that can be used on almost any computer, and can boot most computers in case of hard drive failure.

Please spread this information around.  You can either link to my posts with the necessary links or write your own.  Just get this information out there.  If you have a blog, post it.  Share the link with your friends, post it on twitter and facebook.  There are share buttons at the bottom of all these posts, just click on them and share them.

The more information people have to help themselves, the less we hopefully see and hear on the news about people going cold, hungry and without necessities.

The main KTD Project post is:

The Zip file containing the torrents for the CD3WD files and Adriane Knoppix and a PDF og the knoppic manual and the instructions to create your own KTD is:

The ISO Burning program to burn the CD3WD files to DVD discs is:

The ISO Mounting program to write the ISO's to your hard drive is:

The USB Booting program is:

The main CD3WD file on the web if you want to check them out for yourself before creating your own KTD is:

The Knoppix Adriane download page is:

The Torrenting program to download the torrents is:

Seriously, please share these links.  Get this information out.  For less than $20.00 and a few hours time you can create a back up reference library that you can carry with you anywhere you go.

And information can save lives.

It can also make it so your life is more comfortable if you ever find yourself in that type of situation.

Wouldn't you rather thrive than survive?

With the proper information you can.

ETA: the Extra Files Torrent is :

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