Friday, November 16, 2012

Are you reading Girl Genius?

The link is over there on the right near the top.  If you aren't you are missing great artwork and a great story line.  Such as

Boris IS NOT her Minion.

Or so he thinks.  To see that pic in all it's glory and to continue Boris's story click: I'm NOT a Minion!

ETA: I want a Real Airship city like Castle Von Wulfenbach


  1. I got hooked on GG a while back. Blew through the archives in about a week, now I have to wait for each new 'toon.

    Can't wait to see how Agatha recharges her castle.

  2. I'm thinking she'll use Gil's lightning stick thingie with the the professor whathisnames modified switch to increase the power. Then WATCH OUT Baron Von Wulfenbach. Althugh I am concerned about the Spark Wasps, especially since the Baron knows he's been wasped, how is that going to play out.


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