Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Government and Military affiliated readers

I've had a bunch of state, city and federal government readers on the KTD Project.  Also many readers from medical related ISP's hospitals, health insurance companies etc.  Please pass the link to the KTD Project page.  Let's get this information out to as many people as we can.

It doesn't take much.  At the bottom of this post are the links to share this to your Twitter account, Facebook Account or your Google Plus account.

Please send this information out.  It can help save lives.

Knoppix Thumb Drive Links and instructions


  1. Looks like getting some serious attention; nice work! I plan on burning a couple sets of DVDs from this myself; appreciate all the work you've done compiling this.

  2. Oh, I've got a lot more I could post. there is one in particular from Fort Gesundheit Arizona I AM going to post as I have a favor to ask of them. And yes I know that's not what it's really called. I am still working on the post for it and I hope they will actually help out with what I ask.


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