Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Humanitarian Crisis in Coney Island

"Occupy Sandy Volunteer Sounds Alarm on 'Humanitarian Crisis,' Near-Complete Absence of Government Aid in Coney Island Projects

The situation in public housing projects in Coney Island, Brooklyn remains a "humanitarian crisis" in which the government and the Red Cross have been nearly completely absent, according to Eric Moed, a volunteer aid worker with Occupy Sandy.

Friday is Moed's fifth day volunteering with Occupy Sandy, an ad hoc hurricane relief group formed by former Occupy Wall Street activists. Moed, an architect from Brooklyn's Clinton Hill neighborhood, goes door to door in the 30-40 public housing buildings in the Coney Island neighborhood of Brooklyn to distribute food, water and supplies, and help address sanitation and medical needs. The projects in Coney Island remain without power, and often without water and necessities in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Accounts of these conditions have been corroborated in the New York Daily News."

I hate linking to the HuffPo but I think this article is important.  It also ties into an article I wrote on the Alpha Disaster Contingencies site several years ago.

"In this day and age many people are interested in Survival, and Survivalism. Not so long ago, Survivalists were associated with rouge militia groups, by the mainstream media. Now after 9-11 many people and media outlets are changing their outlooks. I'd like to step back and take a look at what Survivalism is. Not what the media and un-informed people would have you believe.

During the Cold War, Survivalists prepared for the possibility of Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical Warfare. The Iron Curtain is broken, all hail Perestroika, we don't have to prepare for war no more. As current events have shown, that is false. Al Qaeda, Hamas, The PLO, Hezbollah, and many other terrorist groups are operating, and they are doing their best to get Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Agents. Not just for use against their historical enemies, but against "The Great Satan", us, the U.S. of A. This is just one of the possibilities that many Survivalists prepare for."

To check out more articles on Emergency Preparedness go to : Alpha Disaster Contingencies - AlphaRubicon.com

 If you take a little care in your life you can make a disaster more survivable.  And ensure that after the disaster, your family won't be the ones waiting for the GOV or a NGO to come help you.

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