Thursday, November 29, 2012

Of course the Dems won't play fair

Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio and Republican leaders are fuming after a late night phone call with President Barack Obama was leaked to the press, despite an agreement that it would not be, according to several GOP aides.

Republicans believe the administration leaked details of the 30-minute Wednesday night phone call to Politico, which is causing them to question whether they can trust the White House to keep details private, a sentiment that has caused progress in the negotiations over the “fiscal cliff” to stall.

Obama and his administration is doing everything he can to destroy the two party system.  So of course he won't keep details private.  He will leak anything he can to make himself look good and make Republicans look bad or sturpid. (Yes I KNOW there is an extra "R" in there)

No Tax Increases now without Spending cuts NOW!


  1. Yeah, it's a bitch when you're selling out your constituents and the guy your selling them out to slips a knife in your back.

  2. They don't care... As long as they can stay in power by buying votes, we're screwed...


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