Friday, November 2, 2012

Rules for thee - More Dem Tax problems

Why is it the people who want to raise taxes on everyone else, can't seem to pay their own taxes?

"In April 2008, the IRS filed a federal tax lien against Melgen for more than $6.2 million in unpaid taxes dating back to 1998. The lien was withdrawn in August 2011. In July 2002, the IRS filed a federal tax lien against Melgen for nearly $1.3 million in unpaid taxes dating back to 1999. The lien was released in November 2002."

They can pay thousands of dollars to their pet politicians, but they can't pay taxes, like they demand others who are not themselves, to do.   How many posts have I written about certain members of the "D" Party, not paying their "Fair Share"?

Before Obama and his brainless minions demand and try to force others to pay their "Fair Share", how about they simply pay their OWN taxes?

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