Friday, November 30, 2012

What I would like Republicans in Congress to do

Is to stand up on national TV and tell Obama and his cronies and minions to shove it.  No tax increases now without non-defense spending cuts NOW.  Not cuts 3 or 4 years from now, but cuts NOW.  And they HAVE to be Non-Defense cuts. 

No Debt limit Increase without a budget being passed.  No budget no debt limit increase.

I want the Republicans in Congress to grow a backbone, and tell Obama and his minions that if they want something they have to return to actual diplomacy and the Constitution.

Obama wants to raise the debt ceiling on his own authority - Ain't gonna happen.  NO DEBT LIMIT INCREASES until a budget is passed.  And NEVER will Obama have authority NOT granted to him under the Constitution.

I'm tired of the Republicans making all the compromises and still getting the blame for Obama and his minions screwups.

So here you go Repubs, GET YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER!

NO Debt Limit Increase without a budget.

NO New Taxes Without Non-Defense Spending Cuts NOW - Not years from now.  NOW!

You Repubs were elected to office to stand up for your constituents, and you are doing a very poor job of it.  So grow a backbone and stand up to the bully Obama and his Czars and Special Interests and tell him to go Urinate up a rope.

Just Keep saying NO to him and his minions and referring them to the Constitution.

It's not that hard unless you actually care more about your perks and pension than you do your country.

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