Monday, December 24, 2012

Big Pharma and the tragedies in our schools

"if your child or teen has a persistent pattern of tantrums [take Jane or Johnny to the woodshed], arguing, and angry or disruptive behavior [see Founding Fathers] toward you and other authority figures [Police State, the collective, Leviathan -  they know what's best for their subjects citizens] he or she may have oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).

As a parent, you don’t have to go it alone in trying to manage [not raise] a child with oppositional defiant disorder. Doctors, counselors and child development experts [BEWARE of ALL 'experts'] can help.

Treatment of ODD involves therapy, training to help build positive family interactions, and possibly medications to treat related mental health conditions (follow the money equation: more patients = more money)."

Good points. in the post.  I wonder how many of these school shooters are being created because teachers don't want to do their job and insist their students be drugged up in order to chemically enforce compliance.

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