Sunday, December 30, 2012

Dealing with people who KNOW

that THEY are right and YOU are wrong.  Over at AD's he posts a brief snippet of comments.

"Molly RN: Your argument is invalid.

Ambulance Driver: You state that the founding fathers did not envision anything beyond muskets when they wrote the Second Amendment, and when I point out that they couldn't have possibly envisioned the medium you're using to express your First Amendment rights, either, your reply is that I value assault rifles more than the lives of children.

No statement I have made in this thread gives you reason to assume such a thing.

So yes, you are behaving like a petulant child.

What's your next tactic, "I'm rubber, you're glue?"

Molly RN: You can continue to attack me, but I am finished as I truly feel sorry for you and your intense hate."

Click the above to RTWT

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