Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dianne Feinstein is at it again

"The intention is clear: to ban most, if not all, semi-automatic firearms in the United States. The vast majority of self-loading rifles use detachable magazines, from the ubiquitous Ruger 10/22 rimfire to America’s favorite AR-15, to “deer rifles” like the Browning BAR and Remington 742. The law would apparently ban ALL semi-automatic pistols as well. It is a direct assault on the explicit intention of the Second Amendment as written by the Founding Fathers."

Click the Above to go over to Bob Owens and RTWT


  1. I didn't read the link- BUT...A Browning BAR????? Deer hunting?

    OHhhh...*that* BAR, not the machine gun.

  2. As long as she can carry "Her" pistol she doesn't care about the rights of anyone else.


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