Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Having fun now

Yup more tornado warnings over me right now.  I thought I left this behind when I moved out of St. Louis.


  1. We had several lightning cracks that made my skin crawl north of Houston. And much needed rain.

  2. It's just light sprinkles now, and almost 2 inches of desperately needed rain. Over in town in the high dollar area the fire department was called out to put out a palm tree that caught fire after getting hit by lightning.

    I love my scanner. :)

  3. From the looks of that map, you are in my old high school stompin' grounds. I graduated from Calhoun County high school and lived in Seadrift, about 16 miles away.

  4. I'm out in the sticks of Aransas County about 150 feet from Copano Bay. Been here since my dad died in 2004, probably be here until all my kids graduate from high school, then I'm either heading back to S.E. Missouri or up to around Kerrville TX


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