Saturday, December 22, 2012

One face of Mental Illness

"Our mother was driving him to her place where he was to stay for a week when they hit a deer. Jack was off his meds and already in a nervous state but this event seemed to be the final blow for his mental foundation. Later that night he got a little upset because she wouldn't hand him a can of Coke or some such random thing so he went and dropped an end table on her head. He then yanked a broken leg off the end table and beat her about the neck and head with it, without saying a word. Unsatisfied he left our mom bleeding and crumpled in a corner to go pay a visit to our beloved 85 year old grandmother who was sleeping in another room, oblivious to what was coming. He gently woke her up and instructed her to get ready to go to Hades."

H/t Andy over at Ace's

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