Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The argument over contraception

"So at present we have an odd situation. Thanks to President Obama and the pro-choice lobby, women can buy the morning-after pill over the counter without a prescription, but women cannot buy oral contraceptives over the counter unless they have a prescription. Contraception is a personal matter—the government shouldn’t be in the business of banning it or requiring a woman’s employer to keep tabs on her use of it. If an insurance company or those purchasing insurance want to cover birth control, they should be free to do so. If a consumer wants to buy birth control on her own, she should be free to do so"

 I have three daughters, and while I strongly disagree with abortion, I do feel that birth control should be made more available for young women without the interference of government.  Governor Jindal is correct that if oral contraceptives were available over the counter, pharmaceutical companies would be forced to compete, which would reduce the cost and we wouldn't have the argument of requiring employers with a religious objection to provide said contraceptives.

Right now my oldest daughter is trying to figure out how to pay for her contraceptives, it costs almost $700 dollars for 6 months.  She has a legitimate medical reason for her particular contraceptive, and if it was available over the counter, competition between the manufacturer could lower it to a price she can afford easily.

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