Friday, December 28, 2012

The media Anti-Gun narrative in re: Flash Suppressors

The New York shooting was a terrible occurrence, and as far as I am concerned was a copy cat attack egged on by the relentless media coverage and hype of the Oregon and Sandy Hook Shootings.

In every story about the incident I have read so far the rifle is described as "Bushmaster rifle, which had a combat-style flash suppressor".  A flash suppressor, is being attributed as some evil nasty thing only on assault weapons.


Here is one story plus the link to the original:

Look around yourself.  I've read 11 stories so far by AP, Reuters and others.  ALL of them include a description of either a "Combat" or "Military" flash suppressor or flash hider.

This is an attempt by the media to demonize a firearm accessory and to tar any firearm which might use a flash hider or a muzzle compensator.  Uneducated people don't know the difference between a flash suppressor or a compensator so by the media's constant use of the term Military or Combat flash suppressor, they skew the public's view of any firearm.

A flash suppressor, flash hider, muzzle compensator is nothing but a tool attached to another tool.  The firearm.

That is what the media is trying to demonize.  A piece of metal that weighs at most 2 or 3 ounces for most of them, that has cuts either milled or EDM'd into it that redirects the hot gasses of a fired cartridge to either reduce the amount of flame coming from the muzzle or to reduce the amount of recoil in the firearm.

So when you see news stories about that little chunk of evil metal, please leave a comment for the story if you can.

And if you meet someone who has limited knowledge of firearms, please educate them.  

A flash suppressor or a muzzle compensator is just a tool to help make shooting more comfortable and fun.

And as far as dangerous weapons, my car can be a weapon, the axe in the bed of my truck, the tire iron next to it, my pocket knife, my keys.  There are thousands of thing that can be used to injure someone.  By themselves they aren't dangerous.  All of those thing require two things to injure someone else.

Intent and the Will.

A person must have both the Intent and the Will to use those items to injure another person.  Firearms also require Intent and Will.  

To hear the media and others, a firearm carried on my hip is a "Deadly" weapon.  No it isn't.  "I" am a deadly weapon though.  With or without a firearm.

Objects can be "dangerous" if not used properly.  That is true of all things.  Even water is dangerous if you drink to much too fast.  Plus water can be used as a weapon.  Don't believe me?  What is waterboarding then but water being used as a weapon.  How about the police in Georgia and Alabama using water cannons on civil rights protestors?  ANYTHING can be used as a weapon.  It just takes the intent and the will to do so.

And that is what the media is hoping you won't realize.  So they can demonize a piece of metal in order to demonize what that piece of metal is attached to so they can stir up hysteria to further their agenda.

So watch out for it.  And remember.  There really are no dangerous weapons.  Only dangerous people.

I know it sounds cliche, but it IS true.

ETA: The Dissident Frogman's skewering of the AFP and Press in general



  1. Is my memory correct, that the smegmaphiliac imbecile Feinstein was asked what a flash suppressor was, after the first AWB, and replied that she thought it was the part that went against your shoulder? Wasn't she the one who implied that even if we didn't know what it was, we needed to ban it?

  2. "The .223-caliber Bushmaster rifle, which had a combat-style flash suppressor, is similar to the one used by the gunman who massacred 20 children and six women in a Newtown, Conn., elementary school earlier this month."

    I keep seeing this. In one instance, in a CBS news report which actually linked back to a CBS news report on the day of the shooting that correctly stated he had used two pistols while apparently leaving a long gun in the trunk of a car.

    The MSM should get up-to-date, Feinstein has come out against all weapons rather than the previous law against [some] rifles. They don't have to lie about this point any more.

    It's still absolutely outrageous, just more so, to pass such junk. I have never owned a firearm, quite probably never will, but that does not mean I want to take away yours!

    Weaponry does not scare me, but people threatening to use some against me terrify me. Even cops. Even, so help me, fists and feet. Heck, two teens were recently arrested for killing a guy by stabbing him with a ball-point pen (their story, which I believe, makes it self-defense so the charges will likely be dropped if they have not been already).

  3. John, where are you at? If you are down by the Corpus Christi Texas area let me know. I'd be glad to take you out and do some shooting with you. Just be aware everyone who goes shooting with me gets my standard safety lecture beforehand. It's only 10 minutes or so and I try to make it funny.


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