Saturday, January 19, 2013

Back door Firearms Registration

"It is an underhanded tactic which FFL holders will be FORCED to impose upon the American people. After all, gun store owners depend for their very existence upon the good will of the ATF–the government organization which can revoke the gun dealer’s Federal Firearms License, effectively putting him out of business should he not toe the ATF line. So when the ATF “recommends” a FFL holder misrepresent federal law to a would-be private seller, he will do so or risk losing his investment and his livelihood.

How great a danger to the 2nd Amendment rights of the American people does this contempt for existing federal law represent? Gun Owners of America has sent an alert to its members, warning that “increasingly ATF is going into gun dealers and Xeroxing all of the 4473’s…” Each of these forms represents a gun sale. It is ILLEGAL for the ATF to copy them or make records of them except in a criminal investigation. For making a record of these forms is the equivalent of beginning a planned, federal registration of gun owners!"

Shouldn't there be some lawsuits being filed here?

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