Thursday, January 17, 2013

Double standards and hypocrisy in action

"Sally Quinn Said Money For Bush's 2004 Inauguration Would Be Better Spent on "Tsunami Relief;" But Celebrates Obama's Big Party, and Denies the Money Would be Better Spent Elsewhere

The vapid aging socialite Sally Quinn has written on numerous occasions about her hurt feelings that no one's interested in coming to her stupid dinner parties any longer. She's even knocked Obama (and his people) for not caring about her stupid dinner parties. She resents her loss of social status and the unearned, unmerited social/political power her previous access to power-players of the 70s granted her. And she's so un-self-aware that she has no idea how much of her own petty egotism she's revealing every time she makes the same basic complaint that people ought to come to her dinner parties."

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