Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Some Links for you

Illogical logic meets satire. 

Proposed CIA Director Supported Censorship, Denied Absolute Human Rights

The Budget Numbers That People on the Left Don’t Seem to Understand

Police Corruption in Chicago

It’s True. Hillary Clinton State Department Blew $80 Million on Mazar-e Sharif Consulate That Will Never Open

82 Year-Old Missouri Man Shoots Violent Intruder – Lives to Talk About It (Video)

RAND PAUL BRINGS IT!… BLASTS Hillary Clinton! With Your Leaving YOU Accept Culpability for Benghazi! (Video)

Oh Brother. CBS Political Director Claims He’s Not Biased After Telling Obama to “Go For the Throat” of Republicans

Hillary Gets Bitchy on Benghazi: ‘What Difference, at This Point, Does It Make?’

Sharyl Attkisson at it Again

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