Friday, January 18, 2013

Some peoples speech is more protected than others

"Piers Morgan likes to portraypeople who are concerned that someday America might turn into a tyranny as peoplewho are paranoid.  Never mind that thiswas a “paranoia” shared by the Founding Fathers, in his advocacy againstFreedom of Expression, Piers Morgan has demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt: tyrannycould happen here.  And so by denigratingthe First Amendment, he has demonstrated why we need the Second: in case a twitwith Morgan’s beliefs ever gets into power."

It's long but be sure to read down to where Piers Morgan refused to apologize for posting fake photos that were endangering the lives of British Troops.  The money quote:

"The BBC's Nicholas Witchell said it appeared Piers Morgan remained unrepentant right to the end

"According toone report Mr Morgan refused the demand to apologise, was sacked andimmediately escorted from the building," he said."

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