Thursday, February 28, 2013

Alternative Energy is good, but it does have limitations

I currently have 250 Watts of solar panels here at Casa De GreyLocke, and I have the parts to build 3 Wind Generators which would give me an additional 900 Watts.  However like everything there are limitations to them.

Such as cloudy days, windless days, stormy days, days with wind so high that wind generators would be destroyed.  Plus their cost and return on investment. 

Like I said Limitations.

Solar Panels that I can afford on my very limited budget are running between 6 and 7 dollars a Watt.  Then you add in shipping, and the high cost of tie-in hardware and electronics, and my final cost runs about 12 dollars a Watt.  Large Energy Companies can amortize their purchases of wind turbines and solar panels, I cannot.  Therefore, for them once you add in Federal Subsidies, they can get prices of about 1.50 to 2.30 a Watt.

So for me to add more panels or to finish up my Wind Generators it is very cost prohibitive.

Now lets discuss the many states which have a very high investment in Alternative/Green Energy.

"The epidemic of power outages and “rolling blackouts” which nearly shut down California in the early 2000s may be returning. Back then, the culprits were unscrupulous energy providers like Enron and a poorly-thought out process of deregulation. This time, renewable energy would be to blame, as the state has pushed to increase the use of solar and wind energy without ensuring that there is enough traditional power generation to keep the grid stable on cloudy, windless days."

See.  No wind, no sun equals NO ELECTRICITY.

And many states which are embracing Alt-E/Green Energy are finding out that they still need to have backup generation, and they don't have it.  With the closing of many older coal burning plants, there is less and less generation capacity available.  Which means that even with bright cloud free days, our energy prices will HAVE to go up.

Something to think about.

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