Thursday, February 21, 2013

Just in case you forgot

Yes I do still write in cursive.


  1. I'd actually forgotten how to write the capital Q in cursive. I understand cursive in general is being phased out of schools.

    Which reminds me; the best handwriting I've seen was done in the laundry deposit and pick-up ledger at Camp Phoenix in Kabul. It was reminiscent of the cursive you'd see in documents from the 1800s. I asked who's handwriting it was. It was a twenty-something Afghan who was busy tossing laundry bags into a pile at that moment. Bet it would take a long time to find someone in that age group here able to write like that.

  2. YUp, Cursive isn't being taught in school, but the EOC testing has an Essay that must be written in "Cursive"

    Makes a bunch of sense doesn't it?


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