Monday, February 25, 2013

Ladies time to sign up for Selective Service

The Obama administration's recent decision to lift the ban on women in combat has opened the door for a change in the law that currently compels only men between age 18 and 25 to register for a military draft, according to legal experts and military historians."

My oldest two daughters will be signing up for Selective Service as soon as it is required.  My oldest daughter already has tried to join the Reserves, but because of her thyroid problem and her weight, she was turned down.  My second oldest daughter the musical prodigy is eyeing ROTC at the University she plans on attending.  She wants to be a Band Director and teach music.  Well if she gets in the military she would have the opportunity to play with some of the most distinguished bands in the world.

However there are some people who suddenly don't like their equality.  Or more precisely they don't like the idea of their daughters being the ones drafted for the front lines.  And yet they forced the issue of allowing women into combat.

All I have to say to you folks is "Sorry!!  You got what you wanted, now DEAL WITH IT!

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