Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New York Boycott list of Companies that need to be contacted

I'm lifting this from Sean's page so I don't have to type it.

NEW TACTIC: Time to make some phone calls. Glock, SIG, and Smith & Wesson supply all the duty handguns to the NYPD. They haven’t joined the New York Boycott. 
All you have to say is “I would like you to join the New York Boycott. Please don’t sell any guns to police that wouldn’t be legal for you to sell to the people.”
Call the following three numbers and ask (politely) that they join.
The first few might have to explain, so tell them that the NY SAFE act made it illegal to buy a magazine with more than 7 rounds. All their police guns have more than 7 rounds, so the residents of New York can’t buy them.
IMPORTANT: Be polite, be courteous, be PROFESSIONAL. The object is to impress upon them how serious we are by the number of phone calls they get, not how mean we can be to them on the phone. The people you will talk to don’t make the decisions. There is every reason to believe that they will agree with you. We want the call takers to tell their bosses that they got hundreds of calls asking them to stop selling to police in  New York and other gun ban states.

The link to Sean's page is :  http://www.ncgunblog.com/new-york-boycott/

Make some calls, and send some e-mails.  BUT REMEMBER!!!!  PLEASE Be Polite, Professional and Courteous.


  1. Sent to Sig today:

    As a proud, and satisfied, owner of both a SiG P-290 handgun (with laser and night sights) and an M400 Enhanced Carbine, both purchased new this year,
    I am dismayed that SiG has not yet determined to join the boycott of New York State Government and Law Enforcement agencies, and to boycott any other state which bans civilian ownership of Modern Sporting Arms or restricts magazine capacity. The so-called NY SAFE Act is an unmitigated infringement on the rights of American citizens, and if SiG chooses to condone this gross violation, I can no longer support or recommend SiG products.

    Public Safety, in the truest sense of the term, means an armed law-abiding public… Law Enforcement agencies, even if well-intentioned and competent, cannot keep the public safe, they can only clean up after a crime and try to figure out who did it.

    I have in the past advised friends and family on the quality of SiG products, but I regret I will not be doing so in the future until and unless I learn that SiG has decided to stand up for the Second Amendment.

  2. Sent to SiG today:

    "As a proud, and satisfied, owner of both a SiG P-290 handgun (with laser and night sights) and an M400 Enhanced Carbine, both purchased new this year,
    I am dismayed that SiG has not yet determined to join the boycott of New York State Government and Law Enforcement agencies, and to boycott any other state which bans civilian ownership of Modern Sporting Arms or restricts magazine capacity. The so-called NY SAFE Act is an unmitigated infringement on the rights of American citizens, and if SiG chooses to condone this gross violation, I can no longer support or recommend SiG products.

    Public Safety, in the truest sense of the term, means an armed law-abiding public…Law Enforcement agencies, even if well intentioned and competent, cannot keep the public safe, they can only clean up after a crime and try to figure out who did it.

    I have in the past advised friends and family on the quality of SiG products, but I regret I will not be doing so in the future until and unless I learn that SiG has decided to stand up for the Second Amendment.


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